Sunday, January 30, 2011

Icicle or Tropical

Outside we can see icicles, while in the greenhouse we can see tropical flowers.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Double Trouble

Yesterday we had 2 snow storms. Today I tried to get some "new" photos of the snow.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Living on the Wind

Last evening we had a treat as Scott Weidensaul spoke to us about bird mirgration, and gave us an update on his book "Living on the Wind". He ended with some pointers on how we could help the migrating birds, including looking for the Smithsonian label for shade grown coffee!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Niger Seed

Feeding goldfinches is the main reason we put out a niger seed feeder. But others enjoy the seed also, especially doves later in the season.
Feeding on niger below the feeder are juncos and a white-throated sparrow.

The junco feeds on niger right from the feeder.

I have not seen the titmouse eat thistle seed, but sunflower, peanuts, and other nuts are fine.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Looking out the Window

Yesterday there was a coating of ice on the fennel, and bird feeder.
A chickadee and another bird in the ice covered plants.

Maybe the mockingbird came to eat the holly berries.

Today my cat, Misty, watching seven squirrels!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Amateur Radio Operator

In the display case are "QSL cards", which furnish written proof of two-way radio contacts, of which our resident collected 212 in one year. These cards are from all over the world, and are just one aspect of his amateur radio career.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Before the Snow

Before the snow comes, the birds come to the feeders and stock up. I wish I had more thistle seed for the goldfinches.

White-throated sparrow, juvenile to 1st winter plumage

White-throated sparrow, 1st winter. I always thought these were females.

White-throated sparrow, adult

Monday, January 10, 2011

Around and about

New Meeting House Road
Narcissus at Abington

Art work on display in Abington House

Library jigsaw puzzle

A bit of the Lobby Art Show for January.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Road construction

There appears to be path through the woods where the new Meetinghouse Road will go, to join Rte 202.

Shrubs will soon be gone.

Monday, January 3, 2011


In the warm weather on Saturday, the beekeeper made the rounds of the hives. Both the upper hives were dead and the boxes removed. The bottom hives looked good.
They reported that they learned from this past year that making splits during a drought does not work very well. Bees make "special" bees in the fall, bees that have a different physiology than do summer bees. Likely, despite our feeding them sugar syrup, they were not able to raise a full quota of fall bees, bees that overwinter well into spring. Hopefully, our remaining hives will make it through the winter.
What looks like show, has really melted and refrozen and it hard and icy.