Saturday, August 14, 2010

Garden and Meadow

This is the sunflower that I will be counting bees on, but not ready to do it yet. But today I saw this green metallic bee on it. Hope they come back when I am counting.
Here is a pea - Don't you wonder where that came from? Wind or bird or whatever.

The book calls this a differential grasshopper, but I think there are a lot of those. He is just a grasshopper to me.

Here is some Vervain, which I think is "blue vervain", but blue vervain usually does not come in pink.

Here is a male twelve-spotted skimmer that I saw in the meadow. He posed for a photo, but saw a mated pair of pond skimmers that did not sit. He is blue and she is green, now wouldn"t that have been a great photo!

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